
Why We Need Work-Life Blending, Not Balance

People seem rather fixated on the notion of work-life remainder, however it really is an old-school concept. Before the inflow of technology, our work lives and domicile lives were separated. We counted the time we spent in both, attempting to achieve balance much like you would on a set of scales. The problem is that model is difficult to manage and maintain. It makes us constantly feel stressed every bit we chase an elusive residue that few, if any of us, tin actually attain.

Adding to the problem of this balance ideal is that our work and home lives are non tidily compartmentalized. As engineering science permeates every moment of our 24-hour interval, we have less delineation betwixt our personal and professional lives. Engineering brings domicile to work and work to home. It tags along to the beach, the mall, our commute, our bedrooms—even our holidays. This means our public and private identities are blurring.

Peradventure a better model is to seek work-life blending. Instead of weighing up the proportion spent in each "zone" and hoping to accept them in equal measure, we should look to mix the right ingredients. Think of it every bit a cocktail rather than scales. Rather than attempting to balance the 2 sides of the scale, we should look to find a blend that we dearest the gustation of.

Also, the work-life remainder model assumes we seek separation, and today we don't desire the ingredients of life separated, nor do nosotros want to turn off the world. We want to be connected and plugged in most of the time. It is an important part of life today, so vital that a Cisco written report of college students and immature professionals found that 95 pct of them saw Internet access as an essential, ranking it as every bit of import as food, vesture and shelter.

By rethinking balance and seeking to alloy, not only will we experience less guilty about them mixing together, but we will discover ourselves more realistically able to take both working for u.s.a..

And so how do yous create your perfect work-life blend?

ane. Piece of work out your key ingredients.

Knowing exactly what you desire to put into your mix is the first footstep toward achieving piece of work-life blend. Just like a cocktail shaker, the vessel somewhen reaches capacity, so prioritizing what goes in is the trick.

2. Don't buy other people's rules.

Work-life blending is about discovering your perfect mix, non someone else'due south. Unlike work-life balance where the platonic is to evenly distribute the weight, with work-life blending, there is no "perfect" to strive for—just rather one that you like and that works for you lot. Ignore other people's judgments and focus on what makes y'all experience healthy and happy. If working on your career and keeping in bear upon with your friends via Snapchat makes yous feel successful and connected, then aim for that. If spending more fourth dimension with family and friends is your thing, and then manage your work well so you tin afford to take off time to spend with them.

3. Stop focusing on time and focus on achievement instead.

Fourth dimension is the traditional measure in which the balance model works. We take hours spent and weigh them. When looking for piece of work-life balance, fourth dimension is not a good affair past which to guess. Take I achieved in all areas that matter to me? is a better way to judge success or failure or what needs remixing. Are my friendships salubrious and my piece of work life bustling? Have I seen the things I wanted to encounter? Am I happy, from partners, to bucket list destinations, to a rise in how much money I am making? These are the kinds of questions piece of work-life blending requires y'all to ask yourself.

iv. Do the things yous do well.

If you desire piece of work-life blending to be successful, it requires doing your things well. Workplaces are embracing the blend because they realize it's a "must exercise" to attract and retain great people in the future. Give people the flexibility to do what they need to do. On the flip side, this requires more self-judgment, as you need to monitor the mix and make up one's mind that it is working non just for you but also for the people counting on you.

v. Alter the blend.

The bully matter about seeking work-life blending is that the alloy does not have to be the same and it can modify depending on what you experience similar at whatever point in time. This ways shifting your mindset from the balance yous achieved today or this week between work and dwelling house and seeing a bigger moving picture. Information technology is ultimately about asking whether, at a macro level, the blend is working for you. And this is the beauty of work-life blending.

Desire to create a satisfying career centered on your interests, value and vision? Check out 'The Go-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What to Do with Your Life.'


Dan Gregory

A behavioral researcher and strategist, too equally an author, educator, international speaker and social commentator, Dan Gregory specializes in behaviors and conventionalities systems – what drives, motivates and influences u.s..  One of the most respected voices in the industry, Dan is a regular on ABC's Gruen Planet and has worked with some of the biggest brands in the earth: Coca-Cola, Unilever, Vodafone, MTV and News Ltd.


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